The Quest School

Quest School is an independent school for pupils aged 5 to 19, and registered as a charity. Quest was founded in 2003, to create a specialist learning environment, designed around the specific needs of pupils with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disabilities. Our pupils all have highly complex needs and therefore require a bespoke and individualised programme of learning, in order to fulfill their potential.

Our aim

Our aim is to offer a distinctive school setting, for pupils with autism and complex needs, who otherwise struggle to find a suitable and successful school placement. Many of our pupils have a history of failed school placements and some have been out of school entirely before joining Quest. Quest School is committed to providing a fully inclusive environment, which recognises and meets diversity of need. Each pupil is valued as being special and unique, with their own rich mix of abilities, strengths and talents. Whilst recognising that they may have difficulties to overcome, we are committed to enabling each student to get the most out of life. All pupils at Quest have a Local Authority sponsored ‘Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)’, based on which pupils’ placements are agreed and funded by that Local Authority.

Our Values

Our Vision

To design and deliver the most life-enhancing education for each Quest pupil.

We achieve this through valuing every individual within the Quest community in a caring, happy and aspirational school, whilst also making optimal use of all available resources.

Quest is an exceptional School where our son is thriving. He has never been happier and neither have we.

Parent quote

Outstanding school provider

Our most recent Ofsted inspection in November 2022 judged the school to be Outstanding in every category, validating our whole school philosophy and endeavour of excellence and continuous improvement. We are extremely proud of achieving this Outstanding rating from Ofsted; it was the third consecutive inspection in which we achieved the highest rating and means we have been graded as Outstanding since 2012.

Fundraising needs

Whilst we have grown and developed our reputation over the years since the school was first established in 2003, we are currently working from a leased property. Although this has served us well enough, it is now restricting our ability to expand our provision for more pupils and to create the learning environment we ideally want. Leased accommodation also provides no security of tenure in the longer term for the school.

As an independent school, our core running costs are covered by the pupils’ fees paid by Local Authorities. However, there is no funding from Government or Local Authorities for capital costs or premises. Therefore, the procurement of a larger, more suitable long-term building for our school requires financial support and fundraising. 

Having established ourselves in the community as a provider of Outstanding education for pupils with autism, and also having a track record of sound financial management, we believe we are now in a position to pursue the next stage of our development. We are therefore seeking to secure a permanent site and building in which we can expand our pupil roll, allowing an increasing number of pupils and families to benefit from our specialist provision.

We need your support to achieve this!